Lucky NFT

A Web3 Consultancy

We are focused on building and executing sustainable NFT projects for the arts and entertainment industries to help artists and brands forge stronger connections with their communities.


Smart Contract

Creating your smart contract is the most important technical step in your journey as this will act as the backbone of your business and will govern how others will be able to interact with it, what can be added to it and where your NFTs can be traded.

Our team of developers will ensure everything is built to best practice and all steps are taken during the quality assurance process to prevent any issues that could harm your business or your customers/investors.

Mint Page & Contract Bridge

Every project launch that demands respect and wants to lead with credibility should be releasing their drop on their own mint page.

This page will have all of the heavy hitting info that will draw people in to your project along with links to all of the supporting content and platforms you want your audience to access when researching your offering.

This mint page needs to connect to the blockchain so we will ensure this happens in a seamless and reliable way so that drop day goes exactly to plan.

Strategy & Project Management

Knowing that you have a well measured approach with the right execution plan in place will give you confidence that you are heading towards your launch with the best chance possible of achieving success.

Lean on our collective obsession with web 3 to come up with the most innovative yet practical strategy to suit your business and use case anc rely on our seasoned tech professionals to roll out your launch as close to perfection as possible.

Marketing & Community Management

It has been proven over decades that the strength of your product is not relevant if you don’t have the ability to get people to notice it.

Our team has many years of experience growing businesses through marketing and finding the best ways to gain attention in crowded markets. 

Have confidence that your project will have the best chance possible of building momentum through partnerships, appearances and other initiatives and activations our team put together for you.


Visit Us

Suite 2, Level 8
180 Russell Street,